Jesus is the True God and Eternal Life

About us

To bear witness with our testimonies that there is no other God but Jesus


About Me

 I am Apostle Parfait Essoumba, have been serving for the advancement of the kingdom of God through PE Ministries along with my team consist of Pastors, Evangelists, prayer warriors, worshippers and volunteers.

I am French, born in Paris, Apostle of the Lord Jesus since 2000. Glory be to God Almighty, He has used me as a missionary for evangelism and preaching at different countries now with the guidance of Holy Spirit; I am a missionary in Pakistan, a country with Muslim Majority while Christians are only 1.6 % of the total Population.


Years of preaching


Preached in Countries

I have been striving to free Christian families from slavery and hard bondage, yes you heard it right, we have slaves in Pakistan, Christians for most of them, rejected, considered as impure, non-educated some of them are not even allow to go to Church. This vulnerable community is deprived of basic rights and fundamental freedoms. They don’t have access to health care and education.  Young girls facing sexual harassment and they are victims of force conversion and under age marriages. 

I am French, born in Paris, Apostle of the Lord since 2000, but I left everything in France to come here to help, my heart was fully torn apart the first time I saw this reality, I could not stop crying 😭, I have been here for the past two years doing my best to free these people, also preaching the Good News of our Lord Jesus-Christ in a country, where some Muslims are just looking for any opportunity to harm Christians or foreigners, but guess what:

“For whosoever would save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life for my name sake and the gospel’s shall save it” Mark 8:35.

Our ministry has listed more than 2000 families at more than 400 bricks factories in hard labor, because of a debt they took 10, 15, 20 years ago or inherited from parents, and the Muslims brick kiln owner, force and keep them as slaves, doing hard labor making bricks for them.

Here is the link what is a brick kiln:


Please help us to free one, two or three families as you can by paying back their debt to the brick Kiln owner, and helping them to get a better life. Also please, tell the church what is going on and ask them to help, these are our brothers and sisters in Christ.

We have shot many videos to show the world these daily slaves’ people struggles; we could send you at your demand.

Finally, I leave you with this:

“And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto myself.” John 12:32.

 God bless you all.

My Testimony


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Only one person can change the entire life of a whole family.


“I cannot tell you how much finding you and your site meant to me. You see Mike, I have completely emptied myself out to the point where there is absolutely nothing left of the Man I used to be. Our Great Father has completely taken charge of my life with my full surrender.
Oliver Goodman
I have been teaching for over twenty years and this is the very best ministry site I have ever come across. THANK GOD FOR YOU.
Emma Stone
Parfait, thanks very much. I appreciate your heart to let people know of hell’s reality and God’s truth. Thank you for the encouragement – my wife and I do really appreciate that too. Finish the race strong.
Nathalie Moore
Thank you for having such an ordained site full of TRUTH and Knowledge. You definitely have the gift of deliverance and are strong in spiritual warfare. I have tried some of the self-deliverance techniques, battle prayers and Pleading the Blood, etc. and they all WORK. Keisha – USA